Get Set to Serve in a Better Future

"I never thought of having the ability to prepare a funding proposal and prototype that could win a seed fund," said Ceci, a form 6 student leader at T.W.G.Hs Li Ka Shing College, a participant of “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project 2020 (“The Project”). Ceci and her team created a special crutch to reduce the risk of injury of seniors with limited mobility. The idea has won the Championship with a HK$10,000 seed fund to implement it. Each year, the Project selects 200 outstanding senior secondary school students with leadership potential, outstanding academic performance and commitment to serve the community. Since 2006, the Project has nurtured over 2,600 high-calibre young leaders who have demonstrated their competence and compassion to care others in Hong Kong and different regions of the world, while developing their careers.

Ceci saw community-visit photos of her fellow schoolmates who were alumni of the Project, thus inspiring her to join the Project. "Originally, I mistook it as a volunteer programme only," said Ceci. After 60 hours of intensive training on future skills, Ceci recognised the power of this Project. "Volunteer work only benefits a small number of people. But through this Project, we could design and execute our ideas that can help more people sustainably." The Project’s curriculum is based on society-oriented design thinking. Various activities are arranged so that participants would go through the design thinking process step-by-step. In the beginning, participants are taught essential skills such as pitching and proposal writing. Then, three themes are introduced to experience empathetic leadership through “Positive Education”, “Up-cycling”, and “Well-being of Elders”. At last, they need to put their thoughts into action by creating a prototype of their social solutions of Project for Hong Kong, thus demonstrating the spirit of “My Commitment to Hong Kong”.

As the Chairperson of the School’s Sports Council, Ceci had joined many leadership training programmes before but she believed that this Project is more special. "The programmes I joined before were mainly theory-based lacking practice. In HK200, I could implement social innovation projects by applying my learning. This has encouraged us to solve problems more comprehensively.”
Despite the pandemic, participants were surprised by the enjoyable and fruitful training sessions through online and offline dual-track learning. The Project also values the establishment of a talent bank of young leaders. It connects our young participants with alumni through mentorship programmes. In the training process, alumni gave Ceci and the participants unlimited support, inspired innovation and shared future career tips. "Their success has given me the motivation to move on." She continued, "I will definitely continue to serve and inspire more to shine!"

實踐所學 回饋社會

「我從沒想過自己有能力可以撰寫提案及製作原型,甚至成功取得種子基金。」就讀東華三院李嘉誠中學中六的鄧慧(Ceci)興奮說道。Ceci是《香港200》領袖計劃2020 (簡稱《計劃》)的學員。她與組員一同設計的「新耆夾爪士的」旨在透過結合多項功能的手杖,讓行動不便的長者減少受傷機會。其提案奪得「Project for Hong Kong」創投提案決賽金獎及觀眾最喜愛大獎,並獲得一萬元種子基金實踐點子以鼓勵團隊繼續推行項目。《計劃》每年嚴格選拔本地200位別具領導潛質、學業優異,並抱有服務社會心志之高中學生。自2006年至今《計劃》培育了超過2,600名高質素的青年領袖人才,他們在發展個人事業的同時,亦關心香港、國家以至國際事務。

Ceci從社交平台上看到同校師兄分享參與往年社區考察時的照片,激發她參加《計劃》的興趣,「獲校長推薦時,我本以為這是個義工活動,參加後卻發現是個『不一樣的領袖培訓計劃』。」經過60小時培訓後,Ceci對《計劃》完全改觀:「義工活動只讓一少部分人受益,但《香港200》的提案能成功實踐,將讓更多人受惠,發揮可持續的影響力。」《計劃》以社會為本的「設計思維」(Design Thinking)為主軸,安排學員以多元方式學習未來技能。《計劃》初期培訓學員掌握計劃撰寫及匯報技巧等實用技能;於第二階段,學員需就「正向教育」、「環境保育」及「樂齡安老」三方面了解對象需要,建立同理心(Empathetic Leadership);學員通過自行設計Project for Hong Kong,提出具創意及可行的改善方案,實踐「願意為香港」精神


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Unveiling Fanling — Themed Guided Tour

Fanling has evolved from a rural village in the 1950s into a new town today, which has created its own tradition and development potential. The Institute has launched a brand-new "Unveiling Fanling — Themed Guided Tour", in which cultural ambassadors will lead the public to learn about Fanling from two aspects.
The "Eco Tour" will walk into the green lung of Fanling, North District Park, to appreciate the ecological environment and enjoy the countryside scenery.
The “Cultural Tour" will walk into the walled village, Fanling Wai, exploring its traditional culture, and rethinking our roles on inheritance and conservation.





"Own My Path" Weekend Market

With the support of the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2021, the "Own My Path" Skills Transformation Training Programme has been launched to provide future skills training and practical start-up experiences.
To raise the public’s awareness about skills building and support youth entrepreneurial spirit, the Institute will participate in the HSBC Hong Kong Community Festival and organise the North District "Own My Path" Weekend Market from 27 to 28 November. The public will be mesmerised by the interesting products and services designed by young people and understand more about skills upgrading (upskill) and skills transformation (reskill).





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Leaders Connecting Leaders 

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, “Leaders to Leaders” continues connecting global young leaders with Hong Kong young leaders and brings inspiration with co-creation. This year, "Leaders to Leaders 2021: Ding Ding Dialogue - Travelling Towards A Sustainable Community” brought participants six fruitful and rewarding rides on the world's largest double-deck tram fleet with distinguished guest speakers.

Participants were honoured and excited to have a close conversation with the guests. Angel Chan, a S.6 student and Chairman of Student Union at Shatin Pui Ying College, who wants to become a doctor in the future, joined two rides in social innovation and movies with her friend. She was motivated by the sharing of Dr Jennifer Tong, the 2020 winner of the Hong Kong Red Cross Humanity Award, about the importance of human connection. “Doctors do not care only medical knowledge but also relationship building with people,” she remembered Dr Tong’s sharing thus fuelling her aspirations to be a doctor. Angel, interested in old and new buildings, was also inspired by Mr Gary Wong, author of Film Pilgrimage. "Movies are often a reflection of our society and the value of that time in history. This special tram tour has enabled me to rediscover the relationship between films and the community and reimagine the future of Hong Kong, " she added.

The Programme comprises six rides with four themes ranging from Architecture and History, Film, Social Innovation and Urban Wellness on the historic form of public transport that has witnessed the city's transformation for more than a century. It encourages and empowers future young global leaders with a better understanding of history and culture, igniting them to take actual actions and fostering a dynamic conversation with each other to co-create positive social impact locally and globally.

“The future belongs to youth. Therefore, young people need to know the world more in order to make changes.”

-  Angel Chan, S.6 student and Chairman of Student Union at Shatin Pui Ying College



參與活動的中學及大專生對於能夠與嘉賓近距離對談感到榮幸和興奮。其中,就讀沙田培英中學中六並且是學生會會長的陳佩瑩 (Angel)未來想修讀醫科,故參加了由香港紅十字會人道年獎2020得主唐頴思醫生分享的環節。唐醫生參與無國界醫生的經歷,讓她明白「人與人之間的關係是最珍貴,而作為醫生,更需要與人建立良好的關係。」本身對新舊建築有興趣的Angel亦受《電影朝聖》作者王冠豪啟發,「電影最能反映當時的社會情況及價值,這次隨著電車路認識港島區的古往今來,讓我重新發掘電影同社區關係,增加對香港未來的想象。」

是次活動緊扣四大主題,包括: 建築及歷史、電影、社會創新和城市健康,利用別具代表性並見證城市百年變遷的電車舉辦六場特色旅程,創造與別不同的交流平台。藉著欣賞電車沿途的人和事,未來年輕環球領袖藉此認識及反思香港歷史及文化,激發參加者共同創建更美好社會的行動力。


陳佩瑩 (沙田培英中學中六學生及學生會會長)

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A Lodge in Historic Building

The Lodge mirrors the style and simplicity of the Institute, welcoming overseas and local young leaders, as well as visiting scholars, to stay in the lodge while attending Institute programmes. It offers 85 rooms of different sizes, ranging from 2-person rooms to 12-person dormitories, and becomes a perfect accompanying venue for events, gatherings and activities for corporates, educational institutions, families and friends, with in-and outdoor facilities are available. The Institute also offers different types of retreat and refresh staycation packages for visitors to enjoy the natural surroundings and develop mindfulness. Christmas is approaching, the Institute prepares a themed staycation package for you and your family to experience a different Christmas in the former Fanling Magistracy!


座落於學院旁的營舍樓高兩層,設有85個宿位,備有2至12人套房,更設有室內及戶外場地設施可供住客租用,歡迎海外及本地青年領袖及訪問學人參觀及留宿,以配合各課程的需要。營舍亦適合舉辦企業、學校及團體培訓、朋友聯誼等活動,讓大家在這個獨特的地方建立更緊密的聯繫。學院亦會舉辦不同類型的特色訓練及主題活動,讓公眾能慢活享受周邊自然氣息,以及感受北區的地區情懷,建立全健身心。聖誕節將至 ,學院更準備了主題營舍活動,讓你與親友在前粉嶺裁判法院感受不一樣的聖誕!

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Christmas Staycation 聖誕主題活動







About us

To ensure that Hong Kong can draw upon a talented pool of competent and committed young leaders, ready and able to serve

Will build on pioneering leadership training, through theory and practice. Young leaders will be engaged, stimulated and involved in high quality programmes, inter-cultural exchanges and hands on experiences to enhance intellect and civic mindedness, responsibility and service: locally, nationally and globally
© 2021 The HKFYG Leadership Institute. All Rights Reserved

302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, N.T.
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