Inclusive Leadership for Sustainable Future

Did you know the second woman magistrate in Hong Kong, Mrs Cynthia Bowman Marr, has sat in the Juvenile Courts at Fanling Magistracy in 1969? Today, the proportion of women in senior management roles globally grew to 31%, the highest number ever recorded1, thus showing a need for a stage for building women leadership in the presence of social diversity. To celebrate International Women’s Day 2022, let’s discover how our two young alumnae Alison Carless and Sakshi Vasudev use their ways to give back to our community for a sustainable future

Alison Carless, a Form 6 student at Diocesan Girls' School, was a participant of HK200 Leadership Project 2020 ("HK200") and the founder of Buddy Wiser. This nonprofit organisation provides free tutorials to children from low-income backgrounds and ethnic minorities. HK200 selects 200 outstanding senior secondary school students with leadership potential to participate in various training and uphold the spirit of "My Commitment to Hong Kong". It provided Alison with a chance to identify the critical social issues in Hong Kong and inspired her to serve the community proactively. Reflecting on the education inequality in the society, in 2020, she and her team started to reach out to the underprivileged children living in subdivided flats and Tong Lau buildings in Sham Shui Po to provide free tutorials. She is blessed that HK200 has equipped her to become a leader with empathy and future skills. "I particularly enjoyed speaking to entrepreneurs of social innovation projects, which resonated with my own experiences in the joys and difficulties of setting up and leading a nonprofit organisation," says Alison. Education matters for sustainability. Witnessing her ethnic minority students feel more confident and motivated in speaking Chinese and receiving gratitude from the student's parents, her future goal is to continuously apply the skills and knowledge learnt from HK200 to meet the needs of others in our society to create positive sustainable change in the future.

Sakshi Vasudev, a current accountancy undergraduate at the City University of Hong Kong, joined the Summer School of Global Leadership ("SSGL") in 2018 and the HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest in 2019. She is now the founder of BamPads!, producing reusable cloth menstrual pads. SSGL aims to create a culturally diverse learning environment for the participants and present them with the best learning experience. It offers a unique curriculum combining "Exclusive Visits" to corporates, start-ups, and the community and "Interactive Workshops" that address a range of global issues. SSGL provided Sakshi a culturally diverse learning environment with local and overseas participants to learn about smart city development and leadership. It encouraged her to rethink her leadership potential to start her social enterprise in women's rights. "SSGL arranged a dialogue session with a global leader from Sweden, Tafan, founder of EmpoWERment. Her story of building capacity herself from a refugee woman to a founder of an NGO serving others ignited a fire in me to help my fellow women," recalls Sakshi. Drawing on her own experiences and realising that disposable pads are harmful to the environment, she founded Bampads! to educate more women, aiming to change the future of sustainable menstruation. Workshops are organised to educate women further to maximise impact. Looking forward, Sakshi wants to be a leader who can bring everyone together as a team stronger and better than before and lead Bampads! to be the "menstrual right" organisation in Hong Kong to achieve equal menstrual hygiene rights for all. 

“Gender equality” is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. So, do these two girls agree to have more women in leadership? Sakshi says, "having more women in leadership positions empowers the younger generation and allows a different workplace view."  Alison thinks, “I believe that women are needed in leadership to provide new perspectives in decision-making. However, when we touch on gender identity concerns, it is not just about men or women, but also transgender or non-binary people. We need those with the most relevant skill set to be leaders in society, regardless of sex or gender.” What’s your view?

Disclaimer: Some photos were taken before the pandemic

1. Catalyst. Women in Management (Quick Take). 1 Mar 2022. Website:

你知道香港第二位女裁判官Cynthia Bowman Marr1969年曾在粉嶺裁判法院的少年法庭工作嗎? 如今,女性擔任高級管理層職位的比例已增長到 31%,創下歷史新高,引證多元社會下女性領袖地位的提升。 藉著國際婦女節,讓我們分享兩位舊生卡愛妮和 Sakshi Vasudev 的故事,了解他們如何回饋社區並為塑造可持續的未來而努力。

就讀拔萃女書院中六的卡愛妮是​​​​​​​《香港200》領袖計劃(“香港200”)2020年的舊生,亦是智佳夥伴的創辦人,為來自基層家庭的學生提供高質素的教育,以舒緩貧富懸殊的問題。香港200每年挑選200名具有領導潛質的高中生參加各項培訓,秉持「願意為香港」精神。計劃讓愛妮發現香港的社會問題,並啟發她主動投入社區服務。注意到香港的教育不平等狀況,她和她的團隊於2020年開始接觸居住於深水埗劏房及唐樓的基層家庭並提供免費補習服務。她很幸運香港200 讓她成為具有同理心和具備未來技能的領袖,愛妮說:「我特別享受與社會創新項目的領袖交談,為自己建立及領導的非牟利組織帶來啟發。」教育對促進可持續發展極為重要。 見證着學生更自信地用中文溝通及得到學生家長衷心的感謝,她直言:「我的目標是持續運用從香港200學到的技能和知識,以解決社會的問題,努力為社會創造一個可持續的未來。」

BamPads! 創辦人 Sakshi Vasudev,現於香港城市大學修讀會計學,她曾於 2018 年參加環球青年領袖暑期學校 ("SSGL")及於 2019 年參加香港青年協會英語演講比賽。環球青年領袖暑期學校旨在建立一個文化多元的學習環境,透過獨特的課程設計,結合體驗活動如探訪初創企業、公司及社區,互動工作坊討論國際議題。SSGL 為 Sakshi 提供一個多元文化的學習環境,連繫她與本地及海外的參加者探討智慧城市的發展和領袖的角色。課程更激發她的領導潛力,創辦環保社會企業BamPads!,推廣可重複使用的布衞生巾。Sakshi 回憶道:「SSGL曾邀請來自瑞典的EmpoWERment 創辦人Tafan出席領袖對談,她從女性難民到成立非牟利機構的經歷啟發我幫助其他女性的決心。」受自身經驗所啟發,並意識到即棄衛生巾對環境的影響,她希望透過Bampads! 推動「可持續的月經」,更組織不同工作坊教育更多的女性,持續發揮影響力。 展望未來,Sakshi 想成為一個促使團隊共同成長的領袖,並帶領 Bampads! 成為推動香港「月經平等」的組織。

性別平等是聯合國可持續發展目標之一,旨在實現性別平等並賦予所有婦女和女童權力。那麼這兩位女生同意社會需要更多女性領袖嗎?Sakshi 說:「讓更多女性擔任領導職務不僅賦予了年輕一代權力,而且還可以為工作場所帶來更多不同的看法。」而Alison 則認為:「我相信女性領袖能為決策提供一個新的視角。 然而,當我們談到性別問題時,它不僅涉及男性或女性,還涉及跨性別或非二元性別的人。因此,一位成功的領袖最重要的是能力,而不是性別。」 你認為呢?

聲明: 部分相片攝於疫情前

1. Catalyst. Women in Management (Quick Take). 1 Mar 2022. Website:

「Caring to Call - Calling to Care」
Short-term accommodation
 for DSE students living in subdivided units 

Supported by Sino Group and its philanthropic arm, the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation Limited, the HKFYG Leadership Institute (former Fanling Magistracy) will provide short-term accommodation for this year's Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination candidates who live in subdivided units to support their academic and emotional needs under the fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic. 



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Leaders Foundation

Aims to nurture local students with the knowledge, ability and values as global citizens to overcome regional and international challenges and serve the community. The spring-summer term is open for applications.




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A Stage to Grow Together

One of the most critical lessons in the pandemic is effective communication. It is essential when a leader needs to communicate on crises, strategies and suchlike. For the past 18 years, the Institute has provided a platform for young people to hone their skills early through the HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest. The Contest this year has started with over 1,000 contestants ready for online skills building. Renowned stand-up comedian Vivek Mahbubani was invited to share tips with the contestants and master public speaking with new perspectives. In addition, 120 professional English speakers were engaged as adjudicators and 30 energetic students were recruited as volunteers to assist the programme with problem-solving and event management skills training. This experience has also inspired them to identify their leadership abilities and start their journey as servant leaders. Tang Lok, the contestant in 2020 and Sir TL Yang English Ambassador who has been the Contest’s volunteer for 2 years, says, “I have always enjoyed joining the Institute’s activities. This volunteering experience reminds me how to make good use of my English proficiency to serve differently.” She even prepared to use her experience to give contestants practical advice on giving speeches.

The Contest is an occasion for contestants to improve their public speaking techniques and a podium for volunteers to enhance their communication skills and collaborate with others more effectively, which are essential future skills. 

I would encourage other contestants to be volunteers to gain insight into the Contest.

                                              - Asiya, volunteer of this year’s contest; past contestant in 2018

Disclaimer: Some photos were taken before the pandemic


在疫情期間,掌握有效的溝通變得前所未有的重要。 對於需要帶領危機處理及擬定策略的領袖來說,良好的溝通技巧更加是必不可少。 自2004年起,學院透過舉辦香港青年協會英語演講比賽,為青年提供一個裝備技能的舞台。今年的比賽已經展開,超過 1,000 名參加者積極備戰。早前,學院邀請棟篤笑喜劇演員Vivek Mahbubani為參加者進行網上培訓,分享公開演說技巧。此外,比賽更邀請120位專業人士擔任賽評判及30名精力充沛的學生作為義工。為確保比賽順利進行,義工亦參與網上培訓,裝備解難能力及活動管理能力。這種義務工作經歷也激勵他們確定自己的領導能力,並開展他們作為服務型領袖的旅程。鄧諾曾於2020年參加比賽,她現在是楊鐵樑爵士英語大使並擔任了2年的比賽義工,她說:「我十分熱衷參加學院舉辦的活動,這此義工服務提醒我如何善用我的英語能力以不同的方式服務社區 。」她甚至準備好利用自己參賽的經驗,為參加者提供更多實用的建議。比賽不僅讓參賽者提升演講技巧,也讓義工提供裝備溝通技巧及協作能力的平台。


聲明: 部分相片攝於疫情前

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Adding Values to the Chamber

There is an independent passage with separate entrances to the Court in the Magistracy for Magistrates. The magistrate can walk out from their Chamber and proceed directly through the Verandah to the courtrooms. The Chamber must be kept clear and transformed into a breakout session and an exhibition area to comply with today's fire regulation. In hopes of fully utilising the space in the building, from time to time, we organise exhibitions of different themes designed to let the public understand Fanling and the history and culture of the surrounding area.


前粉嶺裁判法院設有獨立通道,讓裁判官能從辦公室經走廊直接前往法庭。由於前粉嶺裁判法院於1960年代設計,年代久遠,當時的消防條例與現今有別。為滿足現時法例要求,活化工程後必須保持這房間暢通。現時,整個區域現已改為研習區,亦是展覽場地,充分利用法院空間, 不定期舉辦主題展覽,讓公眾認識粉嶺和周邊地區的歷史文化。

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To ensure that Hong Kong can draw upon a talented pool of competent and committed young leaders, ready and able to serve

Will build on pioneering leadership training, through theory and practice. Young leaders will be engaged, stimulated and involved in high quality programmes, inter-cultural exchanges and hands on experiences to enhance intellect and civic mindedness, responsibility and service: locally, nationally and globally
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