Lead the Line with Future Skills
The pandemic summer is coming, the Institute launches a series of online and offline summer programmes, allowing participants to keep learning and achieve potentials under these circumstances. Highlighted programmes for secondary school students include Moot Court, Chamber Debate Club, Community News Anchor Certification Programme, Summer School for Global Leadership 2021, FinTech Future Leader Summer Camp and Cultural Ambassador Programme. These programmes aim to nurture participants with a desire to engage in the community and global issues, while also opening up ways to sharpen their leadership and communication skills.
The Institute also initiates brand-new programmes for senior primary school students. Under the themes of “Future Leaders Training”, “Communication Expert”, “STEM Leadership” and “Global Sustainability”, these programmes are designed to equip and prepare leaders-to-be for future challenges.

The Summer School was eye-opening. It allowed me to communicate with people around the world and a direction on how to build a better world as an individual.
Nicholas Chan 
Details of Summer Programme

「疫」流而上   為未來領航

「疫」下暑假將至,領袖學院推出一系列線上及實體暑期課程,讓不同的學員也能在悠長假期走出「疫」境,通過多元活動繼續學習,發揮所長。六個皇牌中學課程包括:「模擬法庭暑期學校」、「Chamber Debate Club」、「社區主播訓練證書課程」、「環球青年領袖暑期學校」、「FinTech未來領袖夏令營」及「文化保育大使計劃」,旨在加深學員對社區及環球議題的認識,進一步鞏固及提升學員的領袖及溝通技巧。

Cultural Ambassador Programme

What is cultural conversation? How to strike a balance between conservation and revitalisation? If you are interested in cultural conversation and want to lead heritage tours with other heritage lovers, come and join our Cultural Ambassador Programme now.
The Programme offers participants an opportunity to learn more about the history, architectural features, conservation works and explore the cultural characteristics of the North District. The Programme welcomes people interested in guided tours, heritage conversation and event organisation aged 15 and above. 

何謂「文化保育」?「活化」及「保育」之間如何取得平衡? 如果你都對文化保育有興趣,又希望提升導賞技巧、結交志同道合的朋友並想為香港文化傳承作出貢獻,誠邀你加入「文化保育大使計劃」!
Leader in Me - Senior Primary School Students Leadership Training Programme

Everyone has great potential. The Institute launches a new "Leader in Me - Senior Primary School Students Leadership Training Programme'' for talented primary school students.
The Programme is designed to provide training on specific themes of "Brain Breath", "Brain Crash", and "Brain Dance" to prepare participants to become better equipped to face new challenges.

每個人均有不同的潛能,愈早發掘潛能,再加強合適的培圳,有助更早發展所長。因此,領袖學院推出全新「 Leader in Me — 高小潛能領袖培訓課程」,致力培訓極具領袖潛質的高年級小學生。
「課程」設有網上體驗班及實體進階培訓,從「情緒舒展學 (Brain Breath)」、「即興交談學 (Brain Crash)」及「創意爆發學 (Brain Dance)」三個面向,提供針對心態及技巧的訓練,讓學員能快人一步學懂未來技能,迎接新常態下的考驗!

Enroll Now 立即報名
Enroll Now 立即報名
Nurture leaders under globalisation
In collaboration with Aspen Institute, the Institute organised the Global Seminar 2021 on 21-28 March 2021. Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Seminar, themed “New Leadership, Globalisation and Personal Elevation”, comprised a series of lectures, discussions and networking sessions to prepare young executives in the tri-sector (business, government and nonprofit) to embrace future uncertainties.
The Seminar incorporated the Aspen Method that participants are expected to arrive at their answers through rigorous discussions mediated by expert moderators. Delegates are required to dive into a group dialogue to explore and challenge perspectives to discover ways of resolving value conflicts and elevating leadership abilities. With this professional approach, delegates could explore the enduring qualities of global leadership and the challenges that globalisation brings to values-based leadership in a personal and organisational context.
The end of the Seminar is just the beginning of a new journey in leadership. Armed with regional exposure, greater self-knowledge and practical experience, these delegates will spark initiatives and pass on their knowledge to continuously nurture the next generation leaders through various school outreach programmes and community projects.
Learn more about the School
“The Seminar provides me an opportunity to reflect on myself, how I want to move forward and how I can give back to the community.”
Jennifer Lam, Chief Operating Officer of The D. H. Chen Foundation, delegate of Global Seminar 2021

全球論壇 2021 -「全球化下的新領導力及自我提升」於2021321日至28日圓滿舉行。由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助,今年的論壇與阿斯彭研究所The Aspen Institute)合作,致力培訓跨界 (包括商業、政府和非營利機構)的年輕領袖應對未來挑戰。


There is a total of four jail cells in the former Fanling Magistracy. The grille bars were specially designed to be firmly affixed from the floor to the ceiling, leaving no space for the defendant to escape. The defendants could reach the docks in the courtroom through the controlled corridor and the staircase. Therefore, the defendants could go through the trial process without making any contact with the public or the magistrates to ensure judicial impartiality.
Now, three of the cells have been converted into multi-functional rooms to utilise the space at the Institute. Efforts have been made to preserve the original characteristics. The adapted jail cells are the ideal venue for hosting multiple breakout sessions simultaneously, enabling exchanging ideas and peer learning. The rooms are equipped with innovative electronic equipment as training tools which allow young people to prepare themselves through a new training model.



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About us

To ensure that Hong Kong can draw upon a talented pool of competent and committed young leaders, ready and able to serve

Will build on pioneering leadership training, through theory and practice. Young leaders will be engaged, stimulated and involved in high quality programmes, inter-cultural exchanges and hands on experiences to enhance intellect and civic mindedness, responsibility and service: locally, nationally and globally
© 2021 The HKFYG Leadership Institute. All Rights Reserved

302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, N.T.
Telephone: (852) 2169 0255 | Email: info@leadershipinstitute.hk

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