Debating on key facets of global issues

It was once said by Joseph Joubert, a French Moralist and Essayist, “It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.” As a part of the HSBC Future Skills Development Project, Chamber Debate Club aims to hone participants' communication and negotiation skills through British Parliamentary Style Debate in five weeks of online intensive, methodological and professional training. 
Being coached by world-class debaters and Debate Mate, a renowned training institute based in the UK, participants will be engaged in debate on the themes of sustainability, future skills, digitalisation and future of work. Participants will develop logical reasoning, structured and critical thinking, and gain international perspectives through discussing and debating global issues. To reinforce the learning, participants may have a chance to attend a debate competition held at the Digital Debate & Speaking Chamber of the Institute. The application closes on 18 July 2021.


法國散文作家儒貝爾說:「寧辯而未決,也不決而未辯。」Chamber Debate Club 滙豐未來技能培訓計劃的課程之一,旨在為學員提供英國議會式辯論的訓練,透過為期五周的線上專業培訓提升學員溝通及演說技巧。


在專業的辯論員和英國著名培訓機構 Debate Mate 的指導下,學員不僅能建立慎思明辨的論證技巧,更會深入就可持續發展、未來技能、數碼化和未來職場等國際事務展開辯論。學員更將有機會於學院的數碼辯論演說廳參與辯論比賽,鞏固學習課程將於2021年7月18截止報名。

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Student Leadership Taster Programmes 

The Programmes aim to cultivate and explore participants' leadership potential via different edutainment activities, encouraging participants to understand various social issues with a holistic perspective and applying their knowledge in daily lives. Courses like “Court Decode” and “Cultural Detective” also make good use of the Institute's facilities and Mixed Reality technology, enhancing participants’ logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Upon completion of the Programmes, participants will be empowered and eligible for other advanced leadership programmes.



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The first Outdoor Education Camp at Historic Building

Apart from pioneering leadership training through theory and practice, the Institute also provides opportunities for young people to gain life experience and extend classroom learning. Furthermore, as one of the authorised Outdoor Education Camp places by the Education Bureau in the 2020/21 school year, the Institute provides a unique mix of training through adventure activities, team challenges and social simulations and premises.


Located at the Grade 3 historic building, the unique former magistracy setting enables participants to experience training differently. The newly established lodge can accommodate 85 residents to help participants adapt to group life, strengthen team cooperation and encourage team spirit.


學院除了提供前瞻性的理論和練習課程,同時亦鼓勵青年走出課室,從生活經驗中學習。學院已成為教育局 2020/21 學年認可的戶外教育營營地之一提供歷奇活動、團隊挑戰及社會體驗等不同的活動項目。



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Networking with Industry Professionals 

"Hong Kong 200" Leadership Project and Deloitteone of the world's largest accounting organisationsjoined hands to organise an advanced training session for participants and alumni. 

The industry professionals provided career orientation, shared their work experience with the participants and provided business etiquette training. They also shared projects that had helped the sustainable development of the Company, deepening participants’ understanding of the work of management consultants. 






It is my honour to work with the Deloitte team as a student host. Through the interactive workshops, I learned more about the structure of top companies and got a glimpse of life in the industry.

- Hayley Hui, HKUST BBA Year 1


-許頌琳 (香港科技大學工商管理一年級)

About HK200
The place where the past and future meet

The former Shroff Office, where the defendants would pay their fine here. For security reasons, there were metal fences separating the staff from visitors and a built-in safe. 


The first case tried in the Former Fanling Magistracy was illegal opium smoking. Two villagers were fined $25 and $75 respectively. Considering that a meal cost around 50 cents in the 1960s, the level of fine was relatively high. But the penalty was quite considerably modest as no imprisonment was in place.


This area is now revitalised into the Conservation Corner with the original steel grilles, counter and built-in safe. It is also a place for exhibitions to showcase the conservation works carried out in the Magistracy. The Institute also organises exhibitions with different organisations to foster cross-sector partnerships.



前粉嶺裁判法院審訊的第一宗案件為非法吸食鴉片。兩名被告被控吸食鴉片,最後分別被判罰款25 元及75 元。雖然當年一頓飯只花大約5毫子,罰款金額並不算低,但對犯⼈而言,只處罰款而無監禁,已算是較輕的判罪了。


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About us

To ensure that Hong Kong can draw upon a talented pool of competent and committed young leaders, ready and able to serve

Will build on pioneering leadership training, through theory and practice. Young leaders will be engaged, stimulated and involved in high quality programmes, inter-cultural exchanges and hands on experiences to enhance intellect and civic mindedness, responsibility and service: locally, nationally and globally
© 2021 The HKFYG Leadership Institute. All Rights Reserved

302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, N.T.
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