Journeying to Sustainable Community

According to IESE Cities in Motion Index 2020, an annual index assessing the level of development of over 170 cities in relation to nine dimensions including innovation and sustainability, Hong Kong ranked 10th in the world and third in Asia. Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) are rising in importance in the post pandemic era. There are real implications on our roles and responsibilities.

"Leaders to Leaders 2021: Ding Ding Dialogue - Travelling Towards A Sustainable Community” will be held this October, bringing participants a fruitful and rewarding ride on the world's largest double-deck tram fleet with various distinguished guest speakers from different backgrounds to explore the multiple aspects of a sustainable future.

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Programme comprises six rides with four themes ranging from Architecture and History, Film, Social Innovation and Urban Wellness on the historic form of public transport that has witnessed the city's transformation for more than a century. Through a series of sharing, guided tours and workshops, the Programme encourages and empowers future young global leaders with a better understanding of history and culture, igniting them to take actual actions and fostering a dynamic conversation with each other to co-create positive social impact locally and globally.



IESE 城市動態以創新及可持續發展等九個維度評估愈170個城市。根據2020指數1香港名列全球排名第十,亞洲排行第三。在後疫情時代,環境、社會及管治(ESG) 問題更為重要與我們的角色及責任息息相關

課程承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助,項目將緊扣四大主題,包括: 建築及歷史、電影、社會創新和城市健康,利用別具代表性並見證城市百年變遷的電車舉辦六場特色旅程,通過對話、導賞及工作坊等,創造與別不同的交流平台。藉著欣賞電車沿途的人和事,未來年輕環球領袖將認識及反思香港歷史及文化,激發參加者共同創建更美好社會的行動力。


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Online Training to Inspire and Lead

The adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-pandemic. I-Leader” Online Leadership Training Series has provided timely and swift online solutions to enhance leadership competence for over 2,500 secondary school students lacking social activities for personal development during school suspension in the past year. The Series involves a tailor-made online leadership potential test (I-Check); a newly-established educational e-portal (I-Channel) to motivate self-learning; series of online live lectures (I-Talk); real-time online interactive skill labs (I-Lab) and interactive team building activities (I-Team) to enhance "3C" Skills.

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網上教學成為未來教育的趨勢。「I-Leader」線上領袖培訓於去年停課期間為超過 2,500 多名中學生提供即時及快捷的解決方案,提升他們在新常態下的領導能力。

課程包括:線上學生領袖潛能測試(I- Check); 教育電子平台(I-Channel)鼓勵自學;線上直播講座(I-Talk); 實時線上互動工作坊(I-Lab),及線上團隊訓練 (I-Team),以提升「3C」技能。

From Beauty to Duty – Photo Exhibition  

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines sustainable tourism as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities".

CK Lee has been promoting sustainability through his lens capturing the beauty of nature. Themed “Be a Sustainable Traveller”, this photo exhibition, held at the historic former Fanling Magistracy, invites the public and especially young people to appreciate the special collection of worldwide photos and reflect on our duties towards environmental protection. Enjoy the unique exhibition by 12 September.




李志強 (CK) 喜愛旅遊,並一直透過他的鏡頭,展現自然之美,推動可持續發展。學院於被列為三級歷史建築物的前粉嶺裁判法院,展出CK多件作品,並以「做個可持續旅人」為題;鼓勵公眾人士,尤其青年,藉著欣賞環球風景照片,反思自己對環境保育的責任。展覽由即日起至9月12日舉行。

"On Air" - Connecting Youth and Media

To enhance participants’ language, communication and presentation skills, the Institute organised News Anchor Programmes for around 40 secondary school students. Yu Didier Yozen (D.Yu), a S.3 student at French International School, found the media ​had played an influential role in the U.S. presidential election. It raised his interest in going behind the scenes in the newsroom and joined our Programme. 

Coached by former news anchor and reporter, the Programmes provided comprehensive training from interviews techniques, news writing and reporting skills, training participants to conduct qualitative interviews and deliver news stories in a professional manner. To offer participants’ hands-on operation experience, they also visited the studio to explore the news production processes and experience of being a reporter. The skills acquired from the Programmes are helpful to participants' personal development, thus also encouraging D.Yu to pursue his dream in the news industry.

Communication and cooperation are key attributes of a leader. The Institute strives to nurture and enable young people as effective communicators in various channels and mediums. Check out the Institute’s latest communication programmes.

"Among all his summer programmes, he finds HKFYG Leadership Institute's programme most interesting and he enjoys the most. He even wants to be a reporter in future." - Mother of D.Yu


學院於暑假期間為40位中學生提供新聞主播課程,提升學員的語文、溝通及表達能力。就讀法國國際學校中三的俞悅正同學 (悅正) 發現媒體在美國總統大選中具有相當影響力,使他對新聞工作萌生興趣,並決意參加此課程。



「在悅正參加的眾多暑期課程當中,他特別投入及享受參加香港青年領袖學院的課程。 他更表示想成為一名記者!」 - 悅正的媽媽

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Beyond Old Courtroom: The New Path

To ensure judicial impartiality by separating different users of the building, the Verandah enables the magistrates to proceed to the courtrooms directly and without making contact with the public or the defendants. The semi-open Verandah is a crucial design feature promoting natural lighting and ventilation with a featured parapet wall. In the Chinese cultural context, it is also known as the “girls’ wall”. In ancient China, unmarried girls were not supposed to show their faces to others and could only hide behind the parapet to view the bustles on the street. After revitalisation, the Verandah and magistrate's office have become a breakout session, utilising the space in the building. The beauty of the Verandah also attracts couples to take their pre-wedding photographs.



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Wedding Spot 婚紗拍攝







About us

To ensure that Hong Kong can draw upon a talented pool of competent and committed young leaders, ready and able to serve

Will build on pioneering leadership training, through theory and practice. Young leaders will be engaged, stimulated and involved in high quality programmes, inter-cultural exchanges and hands on experiences to enhance intellect and civic mindedness, responsibility and service: locally, nationally and globally
© 2021 The HKFYG Leadership Institute. All Rights Reserved

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