由於上回講座報名人數眾多,為了彌補上次錯失機會的同學,於十一月十八日 (四) 特加開一場講座,更邀請了Dr Wan 為大家分享!
Dr. Wan has been in the taxation profession for over 22 years. He has extensive experience in taxation advisory services for a wide range of industries and various sizes, from SMEs to Listed Company.
Dr. Wan also has considerable experience in corporate finance, restructuring and investment advisory. He also has professional experience on personal investment advice, retirement protection and legacy planning.
Dr. Wan is a Fellow and practicing member of HKICPA, a member of CPA Australia and Certificate Tax Advisor (CTA). Dr. Wan holds the Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, Master of Arts in International Accounting. Master of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Law.
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