NCC INCELL iPhone 11 And Aftermarket Screens Comparison Test

Recently, some customers reflect that there are many different quality iPhone X to 11 series after-sales screens in the market and they do not know the difference between them.

For example, there are soft OLED, hard OLED, TFT in-cell, TFT out-cell etc. Among these qualities, TFT is cheaper than other qualities. The shipment of TFT is larger than others. So in this article, we will compare the difference between BIZBEE NCC TFT in-cell and TFT out-cell iPhone 11 LCD.

Focus on the problem of structure, brightness, color temperature, display color, installation effect and, defect rate, BIZBEE has done a rigorous comparison test, the specific test results are as follows:




 If you would like to check the screen test video, please contact me freely :) 

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