This is Wendy from GR Precision Mold, a leading supplier of precision injection molds and molding.
Happy Chinese New Year to you and your families.  The time with families and friends always flies. I am writing to let you know that we are back to work today, production is ongoing. We can stably offer services and products you need.

Do you have some urgently projects for the plastic injection mold in recently? We are always here.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Wendy Tu  Sales Engineer
GR Precision Mold Limited
M.86-153388 17151 Whatsapp and Wechat support as well)
China Facility Add:
Jinqiao Industrial Route, TuQiao,
QingXi Town, DongGuan, China 523652
USA Support Add:
PO.Box#531, Buena Park, CA 90621