Learn From the World-Changers

Do you think that it's impossible to lead changesHow we may drive positive changes globally?​ The HKFYG Leadership Institute welcomes 2022 with the Global Speaker Online Programme, connecting award winners and global leaders to share their expertise and change-making experience. 

Almost two years into the pandemic, the widespread impact of COVID-19 continues to deepen. According to the research1 on “All-round Wellness” carried out by the Youth Research Centre of HKFYG in July 2021, nearly 70% of the respondents worried about the future and 60% of the respondents thought it was challenging to adapt to the "new normal" and manage stress during the pandemic. Nevertheless, over 55% of the respondents showed their willingness to offer help to others.

The Institute believes everyone has a spark that they have yet to discover and strives to motivate young leaders to lead in the next normal. The Programme invites renowned global speakers like Anny Chang, Awardee of Forbes 30 under 30 Asia Social Entrepreneur; Kenro OSHIDARI, Former Regional Director for Asia of World Food Programme. Akira KAWASAKI, President and International Steering Group member of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and Dr KIM Kyungmook, Director of Institute of Asian Studies, Waseda University to share their insights and spark our future young leaders to recognise their roles as global citizens to initiate changes.

By engaging youth in discussions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, young leaders will be equipped to design solutions with a global mindset for tackling challenges in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the world as Sustainability Leaders.  



疫情持續近兩年,對全球的影響未見趨緩。根據香港青年協會「青年創研庫」2021年7月的公布的「全人健康 ── 連繫內外」報告1 指出,近70%受訪青年表示對未來感到不安並有60%受訪青年同意於適應新常態有困難。然而,有超過55%的青年更加想幫助身邊有需要的人

學院相信每個人都有尚未發現的「火花」,更致力促使青年能在下一個新常態繼續擔當領袖角色。課程邀請領袖包括 : 福布斯30歲以下
亞洲傑出社會企業家張希慈 ; 前聯合國世界糧食計劃署亞洲區主任忍足謙朗 ; 2017諾貝爾和平獎得獎的「國際廢核武運動 」組織成員川崎哲及日本早稻田大學教授Dr KIM Kyungmook 與青年分享他們的經驗並激發他們承擔作為公民的角色,作出正面改變


1. https://hkfyg.org.hk/en/2021/07/07/wellness_report-2/

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Navigate the next normal

Given the unstable situation of the epidemic, the I-Leader Online Leadership Training Series continues to provide swift online solutions to enhance leadership competence and 3Cs skills which are communication, collaboration and creative problem-solving. The Institute designed the Series during class suspensions last year and won the HKFYG “Innovation Award”, providing training that includes I-Check、I-Channel、I-Talk、I-Lab and I-Team.
在疫情反覆的環境下,I-Leader」線上領袖培訓繼續提供靈活及快捷的領袖培訓方案,讓學員在家學習亦能加強3C」技能 ,即溝通能力、團隊協作能力 及創意解難能力 。課程由學院於去年停課期間研發,並榮獲青協創新獎提供訓練包括線上學生領袖潛能測試、教育電子平台、線上直播講座、實時線上互動工作坊,以及線上團隊訓練。

Evaluate personal leadership traits and level of “3C” skills through Leadership Potential Test. Participants will receive the test results to understand their potentials and shortcomings so that they can enhance their leadership competencies by participating in other recommended training.

從學生領袖基礎潛能評核測試了解個人領袖特質和「3C」核心技能。 學生完成測試任務後,將獲得測試結果,以了解個人領袖潛能和不足,並透過參加不同的培訓提升領袖能力。

Enhance "3C" skills through interactive team building activities.




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Unveiling Fanling - Showcasing Cultural Heritage

The Government has proposed the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy in the latest policy address. What's your impression of Fanling? Combining the heritage of a graceful colonial building with immersive and interactive technology, the Institute is committed to providing a variety of activities and training courses, allowing young people to play a leading role in creating a sustainable community. The Cultural Ambassador Programme aims to nurture future leaders in heritage conservation through systematic training and experience. Recently,  a graduation ceremony was held to celebrate their learning outcomes. The Ambassadors developed a deep interest in learning the history of the former Fanling Magistracy, exploring the unique culture of the North District and promoting the awareness of cultural heritage preservation. They even turned their passion into an exhibition - "Unveiling Fanling" thematic exhibition. Officiating guests included Mr Ivanhoe Chang, Commissioner for Heritage's Office; Miss Mathilda Lai, Assistant District Officer (North); Mr Eric Chan, Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications, Greater China, American Express and Mr Andy Ho, Executive Director of HKFYG were invited to kick-off the exhibition, celebrating the 60th birthday of the grade 3 historic building. 

Joyce Chu, a Form 5 student at Shung Tak Catholic English College shared her reasons for participating in the Programme, “this topic of heritage conservation is new to me and it is rarely discussed in school or other extracurricular activities. Therefore, I hope to challenge myself.” Another participant Capri Cheung who is studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong also said, “during the training, I actively explored various ways through group discussions and reflected on how to strike a balance between
conservation and development.”

The Programme aims to equip youth with future skills, engage culture and conservation enthusiasts and encourage cross-generation collaboration to push forward social sustainability. Ambassadors will regularly organise various themed activities to enhance the public’s awareness of heritage
conservation and explore the North District.

I enjoyed every moment spent in leading the guided tours. I wish to introduce the significance of the former Fanling Magistracy and its role to develop home-grown leaders to the public.”

- Capri Cheung

透視粉嶺 - 展示文化傳承

在新一期施政報告中,政府提出構建「北部都會區」的願景計畫。你對粉嶺熟悉嗎? 學院作為人才培育的重要地方,致力提供多元項目和訓練課程,讓青年積極參與及發揮主導角色,營造可持續發展社區。通過「文化保育大使計劃」(「計劃」),學院利用系統性培訓加強青年對文物保育作出承擔。透過「計劃」大使加深了解前粉嶺裁判法院的歷史、探索北區的獨特文化及提高文物保護意識更將他們對文化傳承的興趣策劃「透視粉嶺」主題展覽。適逢前粉嶺裁判法院啟用60周年「計劃」日前舉行結業禮及「透視粉嶺」主題展覽開幕禮,並邀請文物保育專員蔣志豪先生、北區民政事務助理專員黎錫芊女士、美國運通大中華區企業事務總監陳國賢先生,以及香港青年協會總幹事何永昌先生出席活動。



「我很享受帶領參加者深入認識前粉嶺裁判法院的歷史意義及活化成青協領袖學院的演變過程。」              -  張嘉柏

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A Tale of Two Names

Are you aware that there are two sets of names fixed on the main facade of the building?
In 1961, it was first erected as the New Territories Magistracy. Its primary role was to gather the scattered court services in the New Territories
. With the population growth in the 1980s, the number of cases continued to increase and along with the establishment of new court buildings in Tsuen Wan, Shatin and Tuen Mun, ‘New Territories Magistracy’ was formally renamed as ‘Fanling Magistracy’ in the 1990s and served only the North District. However, the original metal characters of the building names were removed and have already been restored by replicas to present the history and transformation of the former Fanling Magistracy. 


你知道學院訓練大樓門前分別有「新界裁判署」 及「粉嶺地方法院」兩個名字嗎?
於1960 年,當時政府為集中辦理新界各區的案件,決定興建新的裁判法院,故命名為「新界裁判署」。但到1980年代,隨著香港⼈口急速增長,新界各區如荃灣、沙田、屯門等也陸續興建新法院。因此,「新界裁判署」於1990年代正式改名為「粉嶺地方法院」,並只負責北區的案件,而原本的銅字亦已拆卸。然而,為了講述前粉嶺裁判法院的歷史和功能轉變,學院於活化時,便再次仿製銅字出來呈現公眾。

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About us

To ensure that Hong Kong can draw upon a talented pool of competent and committed young leaders, ready and able to serve

Will build on pioneering leadership training, through theory and practice. Young leaders will be engaged, stimulated and involved in high quality programmes, inter-cultural exchanges and hands on experiences to enhance intellect and civic mindedness, responsibility and service: locally, nationally and globally
© 2021 The HKFYG Leadership Institute. All Rights Reserved

302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, N.T.
Telephone: (852) 2169 0255 | Email: info@leadershipinstitute.hk

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