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Ready to see the rest of our list of 25 addicting TV series?!

We continue with American!

Amazing American TV-series

11. "Firefly" (2002-2003)

"Firefly" is a short science-fiction series that is considered a cult classic because, although it is a short series, there are many fans.

Because the show was canceled before they finished filming, you can watch the end of the series with the film "Serenity."

This series combines classic western and sci-fi influences and follows the adventures of a crew on a transport ship.
You can learn many scientific terms while watching this show, including common words.

For example, you will hear the term "artificial incubators," which is where people can keep and grow animals and humans using technology.

12"Game of Thrones" (2011-2019)
"Game of Thrones" is an incredibly popular fantasy show based on books written by George R. R. Martin.

It takes place in the fantasy world of Westeros and Essos. It follows the drama of different people trying to become the ruler of the land by fighting wars with swords and magic.

Because it is in a fantasy world similar to the Dark Ages (500 – 1500 AD), it sometimes uses old-fashioned English.

You will also hear many fantasy terms, such as "valyrian steel," which is the strongest material for swords in that world.

13. "Nikita" (2010 – 2013)
"Nikita" is a show about a woman spy and assassin who tries to get revenge on the people that she used to work for.

This series is packed full of action and different love interests, making it exciting to watch.
The show has words and phrases related to the government and spies, such as "espionage," which is the use of spies by governments.

14. "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" (2007-2012)
World-famous chef, writer and traveler Anthony Bourdain shares his passion for life and food in this travel series, originally produced by the Travel channel.

Each episode focuses on a different country or city that is known for its cuisine (a style or type of food that is specific to a region).
On his travels, Bourdain tries lots of local delicacies (an expensive, very delicious or unique food) and meets local people who expose him to the culture and way of life in the area that he visits.
In this series, you will learn lots of food and travel vocabulary such as what a layover is (a stop on a long journey, usually by plane) and what rustic food is (simple, local and common food).
Why not check out "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" and see if he visted your city or country?

15. "Tiger King" (2020)
What starts as a documentary exploring the exotic animal trade quickly turns to a story of deception, murder and possibly the most unique characters you will ever meet.
There is an expression in English that says "truth is stranger than fiction" and this documentary is something that you really need to see to believe!
The vocabulary is an interesting mix of crime vocabulary, animals and pop culture.

You will learn phrases relating to the black market (the illegal trade of goods and services), activists (people who promote a particular cause) and conservationism (a movement to conserve the environment or natural world).
The documentary has become a favorite topic for people to talk about, has led to the creation of many memes (funny images meant to be shared and reused) and has even led to many famous people to comment on the show and what they think about it.
The series is recommended for viewers 16+

16. "Dexter" (2006-2013)
Dexter is a brilliant man who both solves and commits crimes.

Even though the show is about catching killers, the main character is secretly a killer himself, which brings even more intensity to the drama.
There is a lot of violence in this thriller series, because it is about police work and crimes.

This show can teach you terms about the justice system, medical terms and police terms.

For example, you will hear "crime scene," the area where the crime happened, and "dismember," to take something apart.

17. "House of Cards" (2013 – 2018)
"House of Cards" is a revenge story of a politician who was denied a job that he was promised in the past.

This drama is still ongoing and is one of the most popular shows in the US.
It is rated for mature audiences and has a complex plot about politics.

You can learn phrases and words about the government from this show, such as "Secretary of State," which is the person in charge of relationships with other countries.

18. "Suits" (2011 – present)
"Suits" follows the lives of Harvey Specter and Mike Ross, who work as corporate lawyers—even though Ross is not a lawyer himself.

The show is about their work (legal cases), relationship and personal lives.
You will hear different legal terms while watching this show, such as "witness," someone who saw (witnessed) a crime, and "will and testament," which is a document where you write what should happen with your possessions and money when you die.

19. "Breaking Bad" (2008 – 2013)
"Breaking Bad" is about Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher that finds out he has cancer.

He decides to make drugs with a past student and sell them to pay for his cancer treatment.
The show involves drug rings (people involved in making, selling and buying drugs), crime and the struggles of illness.

The show has won over twenty TV awards, and here you can learn science terms and modern English slang.

20. "Revenge" (2011 – 2015)
"Revenge" is a show that follows a woman named Emily Thorne who moves to the Hamptons to find the people who hurt her family when she was a child—to get revenge on them.

She investigates (researches/studies) families to get information, and meets new friends and enemies while she does.
This show has formal or elite (people who are wealthy or very successful) level English used—with brand names like "Couture"—as well as casual modern English.

Now that you have several dramas to get you started, you can make some popcorn begin binge watching.

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PS. Did you notice that you haven't gotten 25 shows yet? Next week we'll send you tv-shows from other English-speaking countries!
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