Merck is aiming to complete 5,000 procurement transactions in its first year after implementing Adobe Sign.


客户旅程具有许多路径,但并非所有路径都通向您的品牌。通过 Marketo 的潜在客户培养和管理功能,确保潜在购买者选择正确的路径。

通过复杂的潜在客户和客户评估及获取,优先考虑您的最佳投注并提高渠道速度。与 Salesforce Sales Cloud、Microsoft Dynamics for Sales 和 SAP Cloud for Customers




This includes non-disclosure agreements, master service agreements, and service contracts, which can be 15 pages long.

Eliminating the need to print such volumes of paper has already produced a significant environmental impact, saving an estimated 2,000 kg of wood

 and 53,000 liters of water in eight months.
